Fire Volunteer

Translation; UDPD

It is clear from the images used on the badge it was made to commemorate an achievement or branch of the Soviet Fire Department (due to the symbols of the truck, trumpet, and bright red flames that spout off the top of the pin). However, at this moment in time I have not been able to find an explanation to this badge, apart from finding sellers on ebay with the same item, labeling it with ties to the Youth Movement of the USSR; proposing that it is a pin badge for young volunteers/patrons of the Fire Service. I have not been able to find any details myself of volunteer groups associated with the service, as of yet  – clearly, for a concrete definition, I need to widen my research.

Soviet firemen

(Above) Photo of Russian firemen competing in the ‘Firemen’s Competitions’ – a similar event to the Rural Games (Badge 19).

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