OSVOD Water Rescue


The OSVOD – Society for Water Rescue in Soviet Russia (RSFSR) began its origins in the 19th century with the formation of The Society for Rendering Assistance in Shipwrecks in the 1870’s. Through natural organisational evolution, and changes within politics, the concept for the original ‘OSVOD’ developed into a state run operation.

OSVOD, as we understand it from this badge, officially began training under the name in the 1930’s, but soon was scrapped and tied in with other initiatives to help support the Soviet Navy during the Great Patriotic War (WWII). Re-established in 1970, it’s aim was to teach swimming and life saving techniques to the public, as well as the proper use of equipment and small lifeboats operated by the volunteers of the OSVOD.

OSVOD posters

(Above) Promotional posters for the OSVOD organisation.

The OSVOD was essentially a public scheme very much like the UK’s RNLI, and due to its success and wide benefits to the Soviet people it soon grew into a huge state run well-being initiative. The RSFSR OSVOD has a public information bureau, enterprises producing rescue equipment and a laboratory for developing new types of rescue equipment.

This badge belongs to a youth member of the organisation, an ‘Osvodovet’.


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